Wednesday, 21 May 2014

'Your Fada Yansh! '....ok i didn't say that

Been crossing this express' for what? almost 7months now? and every day feels like my first #covers face. I missed my ride home that faithful day and o boy this is some serious sh**. Silently i prayed for a lift but no show, thought about hitchhiking too but my 'Mind Nor Carry Am'
Reality hits, girl you are 'gonna' have to be strong and go through this(TalkingToMyself). So i took a minute to strategize, the usual route i'd take would be blocked by now so i opted for the pedestrian bridge. Watching every single step i took to avoid splashes from seemingly wicked car owners/ drivers alike, it took way more than times two of the normal time to get to d bridge.
Approaching he bridge , my mouth was wide open. Apparently i would have to swim some 5 meters to get to the foot of the brige. Oops! I froze as both my brain and body screamed NO!
A U-turn of course i took painstakenly and like a miracle there he was 'my Angel sent from above'... 'Please can i cross with you?' was my next statement (NowPuttingOnMyGirlyFace) ...#dash#dash#dash And there i was on he other side of the road after he practically held my hands through it #RefusingToBeEmbarrassed

Mission accomplished i thought only to get to the garage and what? there was no bus. Now scratchin my head, but i thought i was done with the difficult part na!
The next bus stop was anoda 15 minutes from where i was (MyBrainCalculatedTheMathImmediately)
Gosh! i cursed involuntarily and along a very busy road it was too.
'Your father yansh' a fellow pedestrian cursed who now looks very funny because he had been bathed with 'the freshest of waters' Lagos Erosion Mud Water(LEMW) #TryingNotToLaugh.
Anoda 120 seconds from the last incident 'MUMU you are very very stupid' was the next 'roar' i heard and this time i was just 3 seconds lucky oh boy! now i had to be even more careful.

 Finally I got to the bus stop sweating profusely even though the weather was cold(FunnyIrony). I looked at my pants and feet and i almost wept and also the wet sensation i felt inside my shoes left a tear on my cheek.
The thought of where the mud water was coming from almost killed me #NowCrying Like OMG! i mean my precious feet!. So to console mysef, i sat down calmly in the bus i thought about how i would literally empty a full can of dettol into my bath water and food and the movie i would see when i got home. Then Gbam! it came, i thought about YOU and the rest was Pee and Paper!
  Back to Home


  1. Fine article. Keep up the good work! #Da-Jiggaman

  2. Next write up, I'm reading this cos I like addition, to keep me going, try using punctuations regularly so we can comprehend u better, e.g. "'Your father yansh' a fellow pedestrian cursed(,) who now looks very funny because he had been bathed with..." Or maybe its just me but I feel u shud have less of how u feel with ur Hashtags and keep some for our own imaginations.


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