Often times we get carried away by the pressures of life, that burning desire to make it big and quickly too, that craving to be in that 'level' we really want to be. We would gladly press 'the fast forward' button
and own as many cars and houses as possible, control as many companies and businesses as possible, buy the most expensive of clothes, shoes, bags, perfumes, wristwatches, necklaces, weavons (some girls though), put on all 'them' designers and trendy stuff, have as many women at our beck and call (SMH for some guys too), travel around the world, own private jets and yachts (ThisOneILike)...whew! will stop here please 'cos this list doesn't end (stretches hand).
We spend an awful amount time fantasizing about the future, and even when we sleep we are not spared.
Set 1; The desperate cum impatient ones, they cut corners, they are ready to do what it takes be it lying, stealing, beating, slapping (RunawayFromTheseOnesplease),fraud, 'sleeping your way through' (girls oo), and even murder/ rituals (GodHaveMercy)
Set 2; The lazy cum 'motivationless' ones , they bask in d euphoria of what could be, these ones are too weak to push for anything, they are OK with 'average'. they lack passion/ambition. They would rather 'sleep it ' than 'stress it'.(lSmellPovertyAlready)
Set 3; The hard worker cum serious ones (sweating),
they put in their humanly best, they push, they ain't lazy, they are prepared, they do their bit and leave the rest to time and chance (probability)
Set 4; The wise cum favoured ones, they are spiritual, they understand life and put God first in all. They are patient and not lazy, they do not compromise their integrity, they are serious and hardworking. They have the 'extra factor' called favour and grace (ILoveThisSet)
'The shocker' Not everyone will 'make it big' eventually (ScaryMovieYeaIKnow) but again some of us will make it really Big (IAmOneOf'Us') #widesmile
ln the end, there's only so much we can do and control in life and then a time comes when 'all these' will mean nothing... my last words, i would say...choose WISELY, choose LIFE, choose GOD
The Jews have chosen God and are so wrong still. I think we should choose JESUS cos His gospel is the power to get wealth and receive all we have, 'for it pleased the Father that in Him (JESUS) all fullness should dwell...
ReplyDeleteAs much as u would convince yourself that u knw what you are saying, America Rules the world and the Jews Rule America FYI...so my advice is serve your 'God' diligently as Pee&Paper has said. Trust me, the Arabs(UAE, Saudis etc) are taking over the world now. I'm not sure Jesus is their 'God'. That said, I'm in Jesus as He's in me.