Friday, 23 May 2014

Baseless Pride...

Way back in the days, I had this very 'funny' roomie. Dang! This girl was proud. Geez!

I get on my critical side at times and it so happened that she was displaying at that very moment. My brain took some time to process what/ where the origin of this attitude of hers could possibly be from.

Sincerely there was nothing 'fantastic' about this girl; she wasn't beautiful neither was she a genius nor was she rich. There was nothing special about the way she dressed or spoke. She wasn't a dancer, a singer, an artist, a writer, an instrumentalist or a professional in any field. She didn't have a 'figure 8', wasn't from a well to do home, wasn't an only child and heir to an empire. #NaWahOo

She was a nineteen year old typical 'everyday' girl who had siblings and is from an relatively 'OK' family.

Remembering that day the entire room held a meeting to discuss her. LOL nobody could quite understand why she acted the way she did. So the resolution was that she was a 'special case' and should be treated with care to avoid / reduce the fights and quarrels that came with her attitude.

After much thoughts, there was nothing I could point it to. Absolutely nothing!
Question is; Why was she always so full of herself and acted like she had the world under her feet? Why did she always put up this 'I am superior to everyone' attitude? Don't talk to me anyhow, do you know who I am?

What could possibly be the reason? Please I need your answers...thanks


  1. Special case indeed

  2. Special case indeed

  3. U didn't see her as special bt she saw herself as one... let her be joor

  4. U didn't see her as special bt she saw herself as one... let her be joor

  5. Na spiritual case lol

  6. Very simple: she wanted to be noticed and that was her way of getting attention!

  7. I believe you just described yourself, from your expression through writing it shows there is nothing special or spctacular about need to look inward and find something else to do other than writing


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