Thursday, 12 June 2014


Disappointment is the feeling of dissatisfaction that follows the failure of expectations or hopes to manifest.

Ever been so close to getting something? Your hopes were high, you stretched out your faith and believed, only for it to come crashing down!

This pain in my chest won't let me be merry
That which I want, is out of my grasp
I was hopeful that this would come through
But only so much truly, I can control

Have you ever been heartbroken? Watch your sacrifices and hopes come crashing down. Watch what you've built over the years slip through your fingers

This tears just won't stop coming
This pain in my heart I can no longer bear
That which I only have heard of
Now right before me staring straight in my eyes

Have you ever lost someone dear to you? Someone you couldn't imagine living without? You're still in shock because only yesterday, they were with you. Only yesterday' you heard their laughter

Oh death! Where is thy sting
No more will I see 'you' again
Forever in my heart you'll be
'Cause this won't ever stop hurting

Disappointment/ pain they say is a Norm in life.
But then, that ain't where I get hope from. I draw my confidence from this phrase 'Everything Works Together For My Good' #WideSmile HE said so, I Believe it!

And also looking at the past, how what I thought to be a disappointment turned out a Blessing, tells me not to spend all my time grieving over any hurt/ disappointment, lamenting/ crying over what's done and is in the past. What I can't really change or control.
But instead how I have to believe for the BEST and trust God for the REST



  1. Sweetheart, what can I say? Perhaps the only pain I've never felt is that of the death of a close person. I don't ever wanna feel it, anyway, cos I've always been tough, and if anything breaks me down I'll feel disappointed in myself for losing it emotionally. For those of you who cry, 'blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted'.


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